True or False (Heads or Tails)
Here is a little snippet of our true or false trivia round.
First, you need to ask the Audience to stand. You then read the questions one by one and ask them to pick Heads (True) or Tails (False) by placing their hands on their head or their bum. The last one standing wins the round and whatever prize you decide to give out whether it be chocolates or a free drink it's up to you. (Remember to keep the prize simple, this round is just for a bit of fun and to keep people entertained.) 1) Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses. (True) 2) Eminem got his name from a Leonardo da Vinci painting called 'Lady with an Eminem' (False, Leonardo's painting was called lady with Ermine) 3) Great Britain is the most populous island in the world. (False, Java Indonesia) 4) The Philippines consists of about 2,000 islands (False, 7,600 islands) 5) Before Nikola Tesla became an inventor he was in tryouts to become a professional jockey/horse racer (False) 6) The second plague of Egypt was frogs (True) 7) There are no permanent rivers is Saudi Arabia (True) 8) The 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' was written by Mark Twain (True) 9) The water mill was invented in Holland. (False, during the Roman Empire) 10) The Temple of the Tooth is the largest Buddhist temple in the world (False, Borobudur Temple in Java)
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